Entering Inner Images

Eva Madelung / Barbara Innecken
A Creative Use of Constellations in Individual Therapy, Counselling, Groups and Self-Help
Translated from the German by Colleen Beaumont, Carl Auer International, Heidelberg 2004
In this book, Eva Madelung and Barbara Innecken describe Neuro-Imaginative Gestaltung (NIG®), a new method for working systemically in therapy and counselling in an individual setting, in groups, or for use as a self-help tool. Aided by elements from art therapy, the systemic procedures encourage the creativity of therapists as well as clients, and support the discovery and innovative use of one’s own resources. The authors describe each procedure in precise detail and illustrate with examples taken from actual case studies. They also show aspects common to NIG and other methods: those with a constructivist orientation such as NLP, DeShazer’s brief therapy, or the Heidelberg School of Family Therapy, as well as the phenomenologically orientated constellation work of Bert Hellinger.
Book reviews
Eva Madelung, Ph. D. After completing her studies in German and philosophy, Eva Madelung trained in primary therapy, body therapy, hypnosis, NLP, De Shazer short-term therapy, and systemic psychotherapy according to Bert Hellinger. Since 1975 she has been in private practice in Munich and leads workshops in Germany and abroad.
Barbara Innecken, formerly an elementary and middle school teacher and speech therapist, received her training in applied kinesiology, psychokinesiology according to Klinghardt, family constellation according to Bert Hellinger, NLP, and NIG. Since 1994 she has a private practice as a therapist for speech therapy and psychotherapy near Munich (Germany), in which she specializes in kinesiology and systemic therapy. She conducts seminars and workshops and is the author of a book about kinesiology for children.